At 6 weeks old the Guineas are eating medicated turkey starter mixed with turkey grower. They are slowly being switched over to an all-turkey grower diet.


The guineas are pretty tame.

When called, they will come right up to you and peck your hand.

Spread those wings!

The cats are checking out the guineas, or shall I say the guineas are checking out the cats!

In just two short weeks the guineas will be allowed to free range.
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 1
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 2
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 3
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 4
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 5
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 6
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 7
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 8
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 9
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 10
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- Guinea Fowl Pictures 12
- Guinea Fowl Pictures 13
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- Guinea Fowl Pictures 16