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Three colorful peacocks and a white and tan peahen are standing in the corner of a barn.

Three male peacocks and one peahen, Biscuit, Popcorn, Snowbell (female) and Filbert. The males are colorful, the female is white. Snowbell is the white female. Biscuit is the male that never stands with the other three, and to be honest, we have not figured out how to tell Popcorn and Filbert apart yet. I am sure there is some feature we will pick up on to tell them apart.

Close Up - A white, tan with black peahen is moving across a field

Female peahen

One white, tan with black peahen is lifting its wing up and another peahen is looking at it.

Peahens Martha and Lucille. These two are always together.

A white, tan with black peahen is lifting its wings up and walking towards another peahen next to a white stone barn with a green and yellow John Deere Gator behind them. Two white, tan with black peahens are standing on top of a green toyota sienna mini van with two red lean-to goat shelters and a brown and green cedar shed in the background

You can sometimes find them on top of visitors cars or on our cars. They often hang out on the porch roof. They tap on the windows with their beaks, sometimes making a calling sound. They like to admire themselves in the reflection of the windows.

Two peahens are standing on the back of a white horse trailer in a driveway turn around with an RV camper parked on the right. There is stacked firewood under the pine tree in the middle of the turn around.

Here they are in the back of the horse trailer.

A white, tan with black peahen is walking around a barn with 3 chicks following her

Snowbell and her 3 newly hatched chicks

Two colorful peacocks are standing side by side. There is a white, tan with black peahen behind them next to the wooden wall of the inside of a barn.

Snowbell, Popcorn and Filbert

Close Up - The bright blue shaded head of a peacock

Male Peacock

A colorful peacock and a white, tan with black peahen are walking towards the corner of a barn

Male peacock and female peahen

Two colorful peacocks are standing in the corner of a barn next to a destroyed water dispenser

Male Peacocks, Popcorn and Filbert

A white, tan with black peahen is standing in the corner of a barn. There is a ceramic green and white dish in the bottom right of the image.


Two colorful peacocks are standing side by side with a white peahen behind them.

Snowbell, Popcorn and Filbert—Look how colorful the male peacocks are compared to the female peahen.

Two colorful peacocks are standing side by side in a barn with a white peahen behind them.

Snowbell, Popcorn and Filbert

Close Up - A blue, green, yellow, purple and black peacock is standing on hay inside of a barn.

Biscuit, the Male Peacock

Two colorful peacocks are standing in a barn with a white peahen between them. One Peahen is standing on a red bottom to a water dispenser

Snowbell, Popcorn and Filbert

Close Up - A colorful peacock turning its head to the right next to a stone wall inside of a barn.

Male Peacock

Close Up - A colorful peacock moving across the barn

Male Peacock

Close Up - The back of a peacocks head,

The back of a male peacock's head

Close Up - A peacock is standing in a barn and looking to the left

Male Peacock

Close Up upper body shot - A peacock standing next to the stone wall of a barn.

Male Peacock

A medium-haired orange cat is climbing up a wire mesh fence wall inside of a chicken coop that has a bunch of chickens in it.

Sandy the cat wants to come in and visit with the peafowl!

An orange cat is sitting at the top of a wooden beam inside of a chicken coop An orange cat is looking down through a wire mesh fence