John Deere 5065E Compact Tractor and Front End Loader with MX-7 cutting deck

John Deere 5065E Compact Tractor and Front End Loader with MX-7 cutting deck

John Deere 4400 Compact Tractor & 430 Front End Loader with Backhoe

John Deere 4400 Compact Tractor & 430 Front End Loader with Backhoe

John Deere X728 Ultimate™ Tractor

Stephen riding the John Deere X728 Ultimate™ Tractor with Maggie the kitten hitching a ride, Amie opening the gates, on Pyrenees control (Can't let the Py's get out)

The John Deere X728 Ultimate™ mower next to a John Deere D125 mower

Sandy the cat on the John Deere D125 mower

Mower Deck and Sandy the kitten

John Deere HPX 4x4 Gator

John Deere HPX 4x4 Gator

John Deere HPX 4x4 Gator
We took the Gator out for a test drive the first day we got it. It had been raining all day and was pretty muddy out. Every time we approached a muddy area, I was sure we were going to get stuck. However the Gator kept on going . At one point I asked Stephen, so what if we do get it stuck, what then? He replied, "Then I pull it out with the Land Cruiser!" I replied, "And that sounds "FUN" to you huh?" Unfortunately for Stephen, as hard as he tried, the Gator kept on going...

A 1996 black Toyota Land Cruiser

A 1996 black Toyota Land Cruiser