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The Goats

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The Kids at 2 Days Old. They all now have names! Popeye, Brutus and Sweet-Pea

A black kid goat with white ears is standing in hay and looking to the right inside of a barn stall. A second black goat is next to it.

Popeye (Male)

A black kid goat is being pushed along by the nose of its black mother goat

Brutus (Male)

A black baby kid goat with white ears is stepping up on the ledge of a wooden hay holder

And Sweet-Pea (Female)

Two kid goats in a barn stall. One is all black and the other is black with white ears.

Brutus and Popeye

A grey and white cat is standing behind A mom goat and her three kids.

Snowball the cat next to Blackie and Popeye

Two black kid goats inside a barn stall with a gray and white cat that is larger than the goats.

Snowball, Brutus and Sweet-Pea

A blonde-haired girl wearing a black baseball cap and wearing a blue jacket is standing in front of two black with white eared goats inside of a barn stall. The goats are smelling the hands of the girl. There is a gray and white cat in the background

Amie, Popeye and Sweet-Pea

Two black baby kid goats inside of a barn stall with a gray cat. The cat is the same size as the goats. There is a blue heated water dish next to the wooden stall wall that has a cord leaving the bowl to the outlet on the other side of the wall.

Snowflake, Brutus and Sweet-Pea

Two black with white eared kid goats, a grey and a gray and white Cat are walking around a person standing inside the barn stall. The cats are larger than the goats.

Little Lou, Sweet-Pea, Tigger and Popeye

A black with white eared baby kid goat is standing in hay inside next to a tan bucket in front of an open barn stall door. There is a plastic, blue heated bowl inside of the stall. The baby goat has one of its black legs wrapped in a white bandage.


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