Talics Babies
Sadly the runt of the litter passed away at three days old. Her name was Sunshine.
At 11 days old the Kittens eyes are just beginning to open.
Midnight the 4th

Midnight the 4th, Pumpkin, Winter, and Blizzard at 4½ weeks old.

Midnight the 4th, Pumpkin, Blizzard, and Winter at about 3 months old.

Pumpkin, Midnight the 4th, and Blizzard at about 3 months old.

Blizzard, Winter, Midnight the 4th, and Pumpkin at 5 months old.
- Maguire Farm Cats 12
- Maguire Farm Cats 11
- Maguire Farm Cats 10
- Maguire Farm Cats 9
- Maguire Farm Cats 8
- Maguire Farm Cats 7
- Maguire Farm Cats 6
- Maguire Farm Cats 5
- Maguire Farm Cats 4
- Maguire Farm Cats 3
- Maguire Farm Cats 2
- Maguire Farm Cats 1
- Maguire Farm Cat Family Tree
- Cat Info
- Raising Banjo The Barn Cat